Packaging news in August 2022 features a number of developments in the packaging industry. Some of these innovations include the biodegradable, compostable paper pouch, and biopolymer nanocomposite. Others address issues such as the challenges of real-time authentication in packaging and the potential for sustainable packaging.
Demand for flexible green packaging set to increase to $317.6 billion by 2027
In the coming years, the global market for flexible packaging will expand rapidly. The growth will be driven by a number of factors. The first one is a rising awareness of environmentally friendly packaging. The next driver will be government initiatives and regulations. According to a report by Coherent Market Insights, the global flexible packaging market will grow at a CAGR of 5.40 percent.
There are several companies working to make flexible packaging more sustainable, including Parkside, which recently introduced a 100% recyclable baby food pouch. Another company, PlanetEtica, is launching a line of shampoo bottles made from 100% recycled aluminum. These bottles and pouches will use 82% less plastic than traditional shampoo packaging. Meanwhile, Dow has partnered with Chinese food and beverage group Want-Want to develop compostable, biodegradable packaging.
In North America, the sustainable packaging market is among the most lucrative in the world. With a large R&D investment and an increasing awareness of environmental issues, the region is likely to grow at a 6.2 percent CAGR over the next seven years. The growth will be fueled by an increasing number of consumers’ preference for eco-friendly packaging, and stricter food safety regulations.
Challenges of real-time authentication in packaging
While the value of smart packaging applications is clear, there are many challenges in achieving wide adoption. In particular, smart packaging requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders, including brand owners, retailers, and packagers. These players all claim ownership of the consumer relationship and the data it contains. To make smart packaging a reality, participants must develop innovative business models and new ways of doing business. In this article, we will look at some of the challenges and the potential benefits of smart packaging.
One of the biggest challenges facing the packaging community is scaling the systems. Even if individual manufacturers implement traceability systems, they are still faced with the problem of integrating their systems with downstream platforms, trading partners, and end users’ technology. Developing an integrated solution that works well in each of these domains is crucial.
IIoT can help packaging manufacturers meet tangible goals by enabling them to continuously improve their processes and products. Specifically, IIoT allows manufacturers to leverage data to improve OEE and downtime.
New sustainable packaging options
With a focus on the environment, packaging companies are turning to sustainable materials to create new products. One example is cornstarch, an organic material derived from the corn plant. Its plastic-like properties make it suitable for a variety of contexts. Often, consumers discard packaging after using a product. This causes environmental damage, threatens wildlife, and poses health risks. Biodegradable packaging is becoming increasingly popular and is predicted to become widespread by 2022.
In April, Walmart launched the Circular Connector, a global resource for companies seeking sustainable packaging solutions. It has already received more than 100 submissions from innovators. Walmart’s sustainability director, Ashley C. Hall, hopes the Circular Connector will help to bridge the gap between companies in need of sustainable packaging solutions and innovators who have ideas.
The use of compostable materials for packaging is also growing in popularity. In fact, more companies are willing to sacrifice durability to meet sustainability goals. According to a recent survey, 81% of companies said that sustainable packaging solutions must offer equivalent or better product protection than traditional packaging. Only 19% were willing to take a lower level of protection.
New developments in the flexible packaging market
The flexible packaging industry continues to grow at a fast pace. The industry is expanding into new regions and sectors and is taking advantage of breakthrough inventions to keep up with consumer tastes and trends. In addition to the use of flexible packaging for new products, companies are developing smart materials to extend shelf life. Some of these materials do not require chemicals and are therefore more environmentally friendly. These smart materials will help CPGs extend their distribution networks and meet the consumer’s demands for clean-label products.
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According to the report, the Asia-Pacific region is the largest and fastest-growing region in the flexible packaging market. This region is expected to have an emergence of fast-growing economies. Several mergers and acquisitions are underway in this region, as well as heightened strategic partnerships and asset exchanges. The industry has also seen an influx of new, modern manufacturing facilities.
Among the major challenges facing the flexible packaging industry are rising costs of materials and the rising demand for low-fat snacks. These factors require new technologies and novel substrate combinations. Some of these technological advances include controlled-atmosphere packaging, which enables products to stay fresher for a longer period of time. Other novel resins include metallocenes, which are stronger than conventional film and provide convenience features.