The packaging industry in New York City is a multi-billion dollar industry. It includes packaging for food products, hazardous packaging, and plastic pollution. Although most companies that use this type of packaging are aware of their negative impact on the environment, fewer are taking steps to reduce these effects.
Food packaging
New York state law defines food packaging as any package intended to be used directly with food. This includes crates, trays, cups, pastry boxes, and wrappers.
Food packaging may include plastic, glass, and other materials. Manufacturers and suppliers of food packaging are required to provide certifications that their products are compliant with this title. The compliance certifications must be signed by an authorized official of the food packaging company.
Under the new law, food packaging that is packaged in PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl substances, is prohibited. A ban on PFAS in New York will go into effect in December 2022.
Currently, the EPA is conducting further testing on the possible health effects of PFAS. Some of these studies link PFAS to weakened immune systems, kidney disease, and cancer.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAs, are a class of fluorinated organic chemicals. They are chemical compounds that have unique oil and water repellency.
Styrene, a chemical that is often used in foam coffee cups and trays, has been identified as a potential carcinogen. According to the National Research Council, styrene can cause cancer in humans.
Hazardous packaging
The Hazardous Packaging Act is a statewide law that regulates packaging in New York. It protects New Yorkers by controlling the amount of toxic metals in the waste stream.
The law prohibits the use of four hazardous heavy metals – lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium – in packaged products. Additionally, it restricts the use of intentionally added PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
These toxic materials have been linked to a variety of health effects. In addition to the risks associated with eating contaminated food, they can migrate from the packaging into landfills, and then into our waterways and crops.
To prevent the migration of these chemicals, the State of New York has banned the sale of food packaging containing PFAS. This law is based on the recommendation of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, which is also the entity that recommends compliance certifications from food packaging companies.
The law has been in effect for over a decade. Some states follow more stringent regulations, and others have adopted more liberal standards. Nonetheless, these rules must be adhered to.
Plastic pollution
Plastic pollution in packaging is a problem that New York State is currently addressing. The state has more than 2,600 miles of shoreline and is considered a global leader in environmental protection. In response, lawmakers have introduced new policy measures.
One bill is currently in committee in the Assembly, while another is pending in the Senate. Both would require plastic manufacturers to set recycling targets and pay for waste management. These initiatives are designed to reduce plastic waste, and should be embraced by the state.
According to the report, the state is also considering implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws. These programs force manufacturers to take responsibility for their packaging waste, nudge them to use more recyclable materials, and decrease their dependence on natural resources.
A clean-up campaign should also be undertaken to remove plastic debris from the coastline. This includes cleanups of riparian areas and lakes. It is also important to educate the public about the problem of plastic pollution.
Carbon footprints
With the increase in carbon footprints of packaging, businesses must take steps to address the issue. Packaging is responsible for about 10% of overall greenhouse gas emissions. However, businesses often don’t know where to begin. This guide will help them calculate their carbon emissions and find actions to reduce or offset them.
Carbon footprints are calculated by calculating the greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing, transport and the disposal of products. The amount of CO2 produced depends on the materials used to create, transport and dispose of the packaging.
Shipping is responsible for about 2.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The shipping industry is responsible for 13% of global NOx and 12% of SOx emissions.
Food is also a contributor. About a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions come from food production, including livestock digestion. There are many ways to reduce your food’s carbon footprint. You can compost or buy less food.
The United States has taken several steps to address climate change. These include promoting wind power and solar energy.